Authenticate: Exploring Our Values Part 3

Can you hear the voice of God? You may think you can’t, but you do!
You just may not recognizing His voice……yet.

God is talking, you just need to tune in to hear Him. Fear will keep you from hearing God. Fear that it’s just you and not God, or maybe you think you need to DO something to EARN hearing from God. Fear will keep you from the truth.

Talking is always a two way street. You can talk to God but make sure you also listen.
You have to be able to listen to hear God. Then you can Reverb (echo) His words and what He is saying.

Fish are created for, and live in their environment. They must live in the water. Birds in the air, and flowers in the field. You are uniquely created to live with Christ in you, so dwell with Him. His promises are all yours.

Authenticate: Exploring Our Values Part 4


Authenticate: Exploring Our Values Part 2