We want to be there and meet your need the best we can so we recommend one of the following…
If you’d like to schedule a video call with one of our ministers to hear our thoughts on a specific issue in your life we’d love to make that available to you! We can also meet you in person if you’re within driving distance.
If you’d feel more comfortable meeting with a certified and credentialed counselor than our good friends over at Oneness Ministries can help for sure! We work closely with Oneness Ministries and them with us and we are confident they will be a blessing.
“The coaching process is moving you from where you are to where you want to be.” - Danelle Rush
There are a lot of preconceived notions when it comes to “Life Coaching” and there are plenty of folks out there doing it who honestly just want a revenue stream. We are happy to be in relationship with Danelle Rush at 3E Coaching because she is authentic, sees things others simply do not and has an earnest heart to see those that God brings across her path be free of road blocks to the destination God has for them. If you just feel “stuck” we encourage you to reach out to Danelle.