The Deity Of Jesus

Jesus Christ is God’s eternal Son. He was miraculously born of a virgin. He was all God and all man and came to model for us how to live life and to reset our attention on our Father God.


Redemption Through Jesus

Jesus Christ also came to provide for us a pathway back to God. Trying to keep the law was insufficient in as much as it did not directly deal with the heart of man. Christ became the perfect sacrifice to redeem us back to God and cover our sins past, present and future.


Scripture Is God Inspired

We believe all Scripture is God-inspired and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training. We believe the scriptures contain the Word’s of God and when taken in completely gives us the best representation in literature of the full character of God.


God Is Seeking Us

God is and always has been actively seeking His creation…us. He doesn’t need us but rather desires us to dwell with Him for all time. He has provided and continues to constantly provide opportunities to commune with Him.